Saving the Baltic Sea together with the John Nurminen Foundation
The mission of the John Nurminen Foundation is to save the Baltic Sea and its heritage for future generations. In practice, this means concrete measures to protect the Baltic Sea and passing on the stories of the sea to future generations. John Nurminen Foundation’s operations are guided by measurability and effectiveness. The John Nurminen Foundation has launched 40 Clean Baltic Sea projects, of which 25 are ready. The projects reduce the nutrient load of the sea and environmental risks. Making the story of the sea and its history known is important, because through it we learn to understand why our unique Baltic Sea must also be protected.
As a non-profit organization, the John Nurminen Foundation has received free licenses for its use through Salesforce® non-profit program. Salesforce’s basic philosophy includes social responsibility, and they support the activities of charitable organizations by offering free licenses for their use. This has enabled the John Nurminen Foundation to implement the world’s best customer management system.
Ceili as a partner in the development work
The John Nurminen Foundation chose Ceili as its partner for the development of its Salesforce platform. The foundation uses Salesforce especially for managing customer and donation information. The focus of the system’s development work has been the creation of an operating environment in accordance with the foundation’s operating methods. In addition, efforts have been made to increase the amount of automation in the system so that the amount of manual work has been significantly reduced. Concretely, this has been done by integrating Salesforce into numerous different campaign websites of the foundation. The integration both makes fundraising more efficient by reducing manual work and improves smooth operations in the management of donations and customer information.
“The cooperation with Ceili started last summer and we are satisfied with the cooperation,” says John Nurminen Foundation’s fundraising director Erkki Salo. “Ceili’s way of working in a customer-oriented way has been valuable in our cooperation. Ceili’s experts also understand well specialists who do not have an IT background. They listen, suggest practical methods of operation and are solution-oriented in their work.”
Cooperation started with improving data quality
The cooperation with the John Nurminen Foundation started in the same way as in all customer projects, i.e. by improving the quality of the data. Good quality data provides a strong foundation for managing customer data. In addition, the development of automation is only possible when customer information is in good condition. After improving the quality of the data, the development work has focused on integrations and the development of automation. Part of the job is also training users and supporting the work of the main user.
“It has been a pleasure for Ceili’s experts to work together with the John Nurminen Foundation. Their work as saviors of the Baltic Sea is very significant and it gives the cooperation depth and a strong meaning,” says Sami Kettunen, CEO of Ceili, with joy. “It’s also great to see that Salesforce is already an irreplaceably important tool for the foundation’s fundraising, and its functionality can be significantly expanded in the coming years.”
Monthly donation as part of fundraising
Erkki Salo looks to the future with confidence: “We only have one sea, and it is urgent to save it. Our strengthened fundraising system helps us to serve our donors and partners more flexibly than before and to implement our efficient and versatile fundraising campaigns. Monthly donation offers everyone an easy and meaningful way to participate in saving the Baltic Sea and its heritage (https://johnnurmisensaatio.fi/lahjoita/#kuukausilahjoitus)”
The cooperation between the John Nurminen Foundation and Ceili continues. The eyes are turned to the future and special emphasis is now on training the foundation’s personnel and supporting fundraising campaigns. In addition, the collaboration continuously evaluates which of the features of the Salesforce platform could bring a strong additional benefit to the operations of the John Nurminen Foundation in the future.
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