Ceili GoPDF – Generate PDF documents from any Salesforce object
A Salesforce user may encounter various situations where they need to create a PDF document directly from Salesforce. Since the features of the default tool are relatively limited, Ceili developed GoPDF product, which now makes PDF documentation creation easy and fast – and don’t forget, customizable! Whether the need is to create quotes, contracts, terms and conditions, warranty documents, or anything else, it can be conveniently done in a few seconds with Ceili GoPDF product.
Ceili GoPDF – More possibilities for an easier everyday life
Ceili GoPDF enables the creation of various document templates for different Salesforce objects. For example, multilingual quote templates for Salesforce’s standard Quote object are often necessary in multilingual organizations or businesses. Sales quotes can often differ significantly in content but are based on a specific structure. Ready-made templates can be created for this structure using Ceili GoPDF, significantly speeding up the quote creation process.
With Ceili GoPDF, the same quote document can be created for example in Finnish, English, and Swedish using language specific templates. Templates with identical content and layout, but fixed texts, such as delivery and payment terms, field names, and header/footer information, can be selected in the desired language (e.g., Tarjous / Offer / Offert). When saving the quote document, the salesperson only needs to select the desired template from a dropdown menu and press “Save,” automatically considering the language selection. Ceili GoPDF allows for the creation of documents in different languages without changing the user’s language. Additionally, documents can be produced from any Salesforce object. Standard tools often limit language choices, object usage, template structures, or other features that Ceili GoPDF product enables. So, if you’ve noticed limitations with standard functionalities or your current tools, Ceili GoPDF could be the solution to your needs.
In Ceili GoPDF, quote templates can be pre-made according to your organization’s branding and graphical guidelines, after which the actual content can be printed from the selected fields, and the language selection is easily handled by choosing the desired language from a dropdown menu. The templates can be created, for example, in collaboration between marketing and sales, but sales can easily use them in their daily work and complete the content as needed.
The ability to print PDFs from all Salesforce objects
Ceili GoPDF supports all standard and custom objects in your Salesforce environment, meaning PDF documents can be generated from more than just Quotes. For example, if you manage insurance, product, or contract matters in Salesforce and the documents sent to customers are fundamentally similar, but you want the selected customer’s information, chosen products, and terms to be automatically filled in, this can be done with Ceili GoPDF. For instance, standard objects like Asset and Product are often used in conjunction with Ceili GoPDF.

Are you interested or wondering if a specific use case can be implemented with Ceili GoPDF? We would be happy to discuss the product’s features in more detail, or you can read more about them on Salesforce’s app store, AppExchange.
Dynamic PDF – Effortless design.
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